
Friday, December 9, 2011

this week in science 6

This week in science we had to list thing we need to survive. We also had to list what we thought crickets needed to live and we looked up what they need to survive. The next day we also had to observe the cricket behavior in 3 different ways. one way we had to name a behavior and how many are doing that behavior. the other one we had to tell them where they were and what behavior they had. the last one was where they are every 30 seconds and the behavior and how much they move. we also had to do a mission challenge with 2 people absent so it was only me and someone else. we barley got it done but we managed to get it done before time ran out.

This week in science i learned that only the male crickets chirp. i also learned that crickets might be more active when they know there is people watching the and trapped in a tank.i also learned that they dont chirp if they are scared.
cricket chillin

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