
Friday, June 1, 2012

This Week In Science # 15

My Partners Working

             This week in science we did the marshmallow challenge for the third time but this time we could not talk. Then we also had to make a video for our future science teacher telling Him/her about our selves what our favorite subjects are and other things. We also had to make up work that we didn't finish so we could have a better grade for our report cards. I think that I could work a lot better in a group because I know the people in my group a lot better and we all know each other in the class. We did worse the last time then the first but it was because we could not talk to each other. We did worse but our group can work together a lot better.

Me and my partner working
              This week in science I learned how to communicate with people with out talking I had to nod my head, shake my head, shrug my shoulders we could also write on a piece of paper if we could not give body language. I also learned a bit more about building things like structures and architecture. I learned that lighting is a big part of a good video that is why in t.v. shows they have lighting managers and other people to work with the lights that is why we had to be on the roof so it can give us the best lighting in the whole school because it does not have a ceiling so light can come in. I also learned how to upload video to google documents.  I also learned a little more about the 10th grade teacher that I might have so I will just have to learned a bit more if I get her as my new science teacher and if I don't I won't.

Our Group Was The Architects

Thursday, May 24, 2012

This Week In Science #12

This week we got to feed our spiders and watch them grow a little. We, as a class, did a packet with food webs and food chains. We also did a work sheet that had nutritional and symbiotic relationships. We also made a Spider Investigation Log that we use to write what we see the spiders do.
This week I learned is that cellar spiders can eat and kill smaller bugs quickly. I also learned that the cellar spider can spin a web very fast to subdue the other animal. I aslo learned what the difference between food chains and food webs. We learned about Commensalism, mutualism and parasitism.1

This week in science #11

      This week in science we stared to make a ecosystem for our spider that we might get on wednesday. We also went to the park to take picture of the ecosystem in the park and show why the thing in the picture is important to the ecosystem. We also wrote a diagram of the way we want our ecosystem to look. We also made energy pyramids and food chains.We had to make a mystery food chain about marine life. I had one that the mystery animal was a orca whale. When we made the mystery food chain I had trouble but i Just found the food chin with the biggest animal at the end so it can be a big mystery

Picture of Orca Whale
We learned about symbiotic relationships food pyramids and food chains. I learned how the energy of animals goes from a small animal to a bigger one and a bigger one and so on. I also learned a little more about cellar spiders. We also learned about the way the plant animals and other organisms work together to stay strong in a environment

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Marine Digital Food Chain





Monday, May 7, 2012

This month in science #10

This month we were visited by The Human Impact Institute. We are doing a project for 4 different subjects Water, Waste, energy, and Transportation. We first, listed anything that came to mind when we heared those words. We then made up a couple of questios and out of those few we chose 3 to put on a survey to ask people around our school. After we intervied a couple of people we graphed all of our data. Then we did something else with our group, me and my group were on waste, we had to make a design to show people not to make a lot more waste. so we did a few drafts to chose one for our design, but first we had to make a slogan to go with our topic so we chose to make it "Put Waste In Its Place" Then the next week we got help with our design from a person from The Human Impact Institute. Now you can understand our message a little better.

This month in science I learned, from listing all those things, that there are a lot of things to do with each topic. something else is that i never actualy thought of most of those things. Something else is that I did not know that there are so many modes of Transportation. From interviewing people I learned how people can be so rude. I realized not all people next to here speak all english, more because we are close to china town. when we graphed data it sometimes gets confusing. Whaen we made a slogen it was hard to make a good one that you could understand. Also that they can rhyme sometimes. When we drew a design I learned that you don't have to put some much detail. You also can put 2 together to make 1. When we got help for our design I learned how to improve it. Also they helped me so you can understand the message better like the slogen.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

cricket investigation data and conclusion

Do crickets prefer fruits or vegetables. i think they would prefer the fruit because fruit is mainly found in wild life not vegetables. vegetables are grown

Mer and my experiment

This week in science #8

           This week in science we had to dissect a crayfish and a large grasshopper. I labeled the cephalothorax on both the dorsal view and the side view I did not have time to take a picture of the ventral view but i will put one up. Dorsal I'm pretty sure it means top or back and ventral means front or stomach view.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Human Impact Ad campaign

At first I drew my examples or drafts which are on the right and then I started with my second draft of my best drawing and made it bigger and better. The one on the bottom.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

This week in science #9

This week in science I had to dissect the perch and label the parts of the perch on the Picture on the side of this paragraph. I noticed that the inside of the make and the female insides are different. I we also used specific tools to cut and dissect the perch, skate, mouse, or frog. I cut the Perch myself but its skin (scales) were hard to cut through. When i finally did cut the scales of the fish it was easy to take it off the body It was nasty when i did all the juices inside came out.  
 What I learned this week is the the inside of a perch of course is different I forgot about gender so I never thought of the body parts to be different. I Also learned that the skin of the Perch fish is strong I forgot about the scales. But one thing I learned is that the fins of the fish were sharp and very strong it might just be because its dead. From the skate i learned that its skin is very thick. I also learned that the skates mature late.
I was dissecting the Perch fish and my table was doing the skate since they wanted to do it so I let them do it with out me. The perch fish and the skate are 2 different organisms entirely but there are similarities to them. The fin on the fish is like the fin on the skate but the fins on the fish are a lot small and are not as big but the skates fins are flapped like a bird. The spines of both of them are similar but the one in the fish is stronger or not bendable like the skates is.The tail fins of the 2 of them are the same do the same thing but one is vertical and the other is horizontal.

Monday, January 23, 2012

This Month in science # 7

This week in science I did lots of things such as make a power point. I made 3 slides on the power point. We also did the screen cast to record us talking over the power point. We had to make about 50 takes to get the recording just right.we also watched all the other teams videos. and we also saw our own. we also drew our evolution to our fantasy animals.

I learned how to make a screen cast. I learned about the animal named the Thorny devil it has spikes all around its body. I also learned the vegetation in the desert about all the types of cactus there are in the desert. I also learned about the formation int the desert that most of the land forms are made by the wind