This month we were visited by The Human Impact Institute. We are doing a project for 4 different subjects Water, Waste, energy, and Transportation. We first, listed anything that came to mind when we heared those words. We then made up a couple of questios and out of those few we chose 3 to put on a survey to ask people around our school. After we intervied a couple of people we graphed all of our data. Then we did something else with our group, me and my group were on waste, we had to make a design to show people not to make a lot more waste. so we did a few drafts to chose one for our design, but first we had to make a slogan to go with our topic so we chose to make it "Put Waste In Its Place" Then the next week we got help with our design from a person from The Human Impact Institute. Now you can understand our message a little better.
This month in science I learned, from listing all those things, that there are a lot of things to do with each topic. something else is that i never actualy thought of most of those things. Something else is that I did not know that there are so many modes of Transportation. From interviewing people I learned how people can be so rude. I realized not all people next to here speak all english, more because we are close to china town. when we graphed data it sometimes gets confusing. Whaen we made a slogen it was hard to make a good one that you could understand. Also that they can rhyme sometimes. When we drew a design I learned that you don't have to put some much detail. You also can put 2 together to make 1. When we got help for our design I learned how to improve it. Also they helped me so you can understand the message better like the slogen.
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